Patiently, I will wait.

Pursuing Hospitality
Friday, September 28, 2012 ( 7:07 PM )| 0 comment(s) dropped
"Be hospitable to one another without grumbling." - 1 Peter 4:9 

My devotion last night was all about hospitality. God is calling us to pursue relationships with people who are in need. It is not an easy task. I know It's not easy but if we really have Christ in us, we can certainly do it. So what are we going to do? Reach out to people. Welcome others. It is a way of showing our love for them and for Christ. Hospitality is making room for people in need.
Reaching out to needy people,
Showing them our love and care,
Is one way that God can use us
To bring hope to their despair. -- Sper
Hospitality can fill the emptiness of a lonely heart. 

You are a blessing!
- Bethany

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Bethany. Blessed and a blessing. 16. Living Streams Church. Overcomer. Patiently waiting. ♥

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